Become a Scholar
If you’re a student at one of our partner schools, join us to identify your strengths, develop confidence, and discover your path to college and beyond.

What does a MOSTe scholar do?
As a MOSTe scholar, you’ll get exciting opportunities to:

Build Community
Build community with other girls and professional women.

Develop Confidence
Develop confidence in skills like public speaking, time management, and leadership.

Explore local colleges, find internships, and learn about career pathways.

Get 1-1 College Application Guidance
Get 1-1 college application guidance and financial aid support.

Earn Scholarships
Earn scholarships to help pay for college.
What Our Scholars Say
Before MOSTe, I did not know much about college and life after high school. Through the workshops, seminars, and presentations that I have participated in for the past four years, I have learned about the college process and different careers, but more importantly, I built a community full of support and encouragement.
Being a part of the MOSTe community is everything anyone can ever ask for. Honestly, it means the world to me. Without MOSTe, I wouldn’t be the social butterfly I am today, which has been very helpful at school especially when getting involved in clubs. MOSTe has always been a support system for me and made me feel more capable of accomplishing my goals. It allowed me to create a sense of sisterhood that I never knew I needed, and I will forever be grateful for the friendships. Thank you for always taking good care of us and guiding us toward a better pathway.
Being a part of MOSTe since the 7th grade means a lot to me. Throughout this program, I’ve been able to experience many different workshops that allowed me to learn so much, and it has increased my readiness for college. MOSTe continues to keep me on the right track for my future.
FAQs for Parents
How will my daughter benefit from joining MOSTe?
She’ll meet other motivated girls, learn about pathways to college and career, and get mentorship and support to turn her plans into reality.
Will I meet my daughter’s mentor?
Of course! A mentor’s first task is to communicate with you and set shared expectations.
What does MOSTe expect from parents?
We’ll ask you to help with communication and scheduling, especially for younger students.
Do I have to pay?
No. There is no cost for students to join MOSTe.
More questions?
We’re glad to talk with you; reach out to us today.