Don’t Miss the 2022 Lanterns Awards! Plus Awesome Scholar Updates!
Dear MOSTe Family,
Our 2022 Lanterns Awards are next Thursday! They’re hybrid, so you can attend either in person or online. Get your ticket now to join us on April 21!
We’ll be outdoors this year, in the beautiful Kyoto Gardens in Downtown LA. You’ll enjoy cocktails and appetizers while honoring entrepreneur and cultural strategist Beatriz Acevedo and trailblazing attorney Amber Finch. You’ll also see a new video featuring scholars’ perspectives on persisting through the pandemic, meet graduating seniors and college students, and hear about the inspiring work that your support makes possible.
Speaking of inspiring, our Bay Area College Tour is in full swing this week, as those of you who watch our Instagram already know! We’re also looking forward to a workshop on Setting Financial Goals with our friends at Union Bank later this month. Perfect timing, as our seniors are evaluating their award packages and preparing to commit by College Signing Day, May 1. Be sure to mark your calendars for their Culmination Celebration at USC on June 11.
Whether you attend the Lanterns Awards in person or by Zoom, I hope to toast with you on April 21st!
Amy Ludwig
Executive Director

MOSTe In Action
Women in Business Workshop
MOSTe had the honor of hosting amazing women in business at ASU’s California Center in March. They led round table discussions on their careers and pathways and answered our scholars’ questions, ranging from the day-to-day responsibilities of their jobs, to how they have overcome adversity in their careers. Throughout the day, students learned the importance of being passionate about your work and also carving space for yourself in everything you do. It is amazing to see our MOSTe community continue to grow!

Build Your Brand Workshop
In April we had the second workshop in our Body Positivity Series. Students discussed what it means to build a personal brand, and how this practice can be used as a tool for identifying personal strengths and practicing self positivity. As a case study, students discussed the brands of powerful women such as Lizzo and Zendaya, and shared why they find them to be empowering role models. Students ended the workshop by working on mood boards for their personal brands. Check out some of them below!

LA Clippers & Intuit Career Panel
The LA Clippers Mentorship Assist Zone invited MOSTe to lead a discussion with women who work at Intuit as part of Women’s History Month. Kudos to MOSTe Scholars Wendy, Denisse, Michelle and Victoria for being such impressive facilitators!
The Intuit employees shared very relevant and inspiring stories, our scholars asked thoughtful questions, and the whole discussion was energizing and impressive. As our friend Tracy from the Clippers said, “We love having the youth lead!”

High School Highlights
Class of 2022 & 2023
Tis the season for college visits! Senior Melody flew east for Accepted Students Day at Lycoming College last weekend. Meanwhile, 12 MOSTe Juniors are enjoying our Bay Area College Tour. Their first stop was UC Berkeley, where MOSTe grad Val, Class of ’24, gave them a personal tour. We can’t wait to hear what they learned!

College and Alumnae News

Class of 2022
Senior Diana entered the District 1 High School Photography Competition and earned a spot in the District’s 2022 calendar! Diana will graduate as valedictorian from Los Angeles Leadership Academy this spring.
A YEP at the HPA Tech Retreat
Congratulations to alumna Beatriz Rodriguez on joining the Hollywood Professional Association’s 2022 Young Entertainment Professionals (YEP) program! YEP nurtures the development of young talent with mentoring and education, introductions to industry leaders, invitations to events, and access to resources that will further their careers. Beatriz attended the HPA Tech Retreat as part of the program. Check out her article about the experience here.

Mentor Moment

Mentor Appreciation
Thank you to our mentors who joined the Mentor Appreciation event at Throw Clay LA! It was so much fun being able to see and engage in the art of pottery.
We truly appreciate all our mentors’ dedication and commitment to helping our MOSTe scholars and community grow and prosper.

“Camila and I went to Color Me Mine and then had lunch!” –Mentor Jackie G.

“We volunteered to plant trees with TreePeople. Angela and I learned a lot about how trees cool our city and how to plant them to best assure their survival.” – Mentor Melissa I.

“We created punch needle portraits of cats at Makers Mess in Downtown LA!” – Mentor Kelly K.

“We celebrated a birthday with brunch at a diner and visiting the Farmers’ Market, the Grove, and some animals.” – Mentor Kelli B.

“I learned that Frances has changed her mind about pursuing a career in the medical field, and is now interested in creative writing. Evelyn would like to be an architect. Camila is focused on a career in the film industry, and Sherlyn wants to be a psychologist. All four of my scholars are grateful for being part of MOSTe because they are being provided with the resources to achieve their goals to a higher education and a future career.” –Mentor Elba S.