Ana Peleteiro: about resignations, future and conciliation

Ana Peleteiro changes scenery. The triple jumper announced that she is leaving Guadalajara to return to his homeland, Galicia, which means breaking his professional relationship with the man who has been his coach for the last eight years, Iván Pedroso, to start an athletic project with her husband, Benjamín Compaoré, which will be directed their training starting next season. The main reasons for this change: conciliation and mental health, two issues that still need to be addressed.

“Motherhood is a complicated and complex task, especially when you are far from your family,” said the athlete. And yes, it is. Motherhood is probably the most brutal change a woman can experience in her life. In the past, in sport, it was almost always synonymous with retirement. Not anymore. Society has learned to normalise pregnancy and physical activity, even at an elite level, and progress has been made in terms of work-life balance, but not enough.

Motherhood continues to be a source of continuous professional resignations for a large number of women, with parallel judgments, and questions in a society of hyperproductivity

The Motherhood remains a source of continuous professional resignations for a large number of women in all areas, also in sport. And many of these sacrifices, even more common among women than among men, They bring with them parallel judgments, criticisms and questions in a society of hyperproductivity. in which professional success is often only valued through extreme dedication and results.


That is why Ana Peleteiro’s decision is brave. Difficult, but brave, based on your mental health, your family and work-life balance priorities. He’s not a worse athlete for that, far from it. He has nothing to prove.At 28, she has an Olympic bronze forks European outdoor champion and indoors, among other successes. Because life is about priorities and his greatest successes, perhaps also in sport, are yet to come.


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