Ameren Corporation (AEE) Stock Outlook


Ameren Corp., headquartered in St. Louis, is a public utility serving 2.4 million electric customers and 900,000 natural gas customers through its regulated subsidiaries Ameren Missouri and Ameren Illinois. Customers are located in central and eastern Missouri and southern Illinois. Ameren Missouri provides vertically integrated electric service, with 10,800 megawatts of generating capacity. Ameren Illinois provides electric transmission service as well as natural gas delivery. Ameren Transmission Co. of Illinois develops regional electric transmission projects. PREPA also operates a nuclear generating facility. In 2023, electricity accounted for about 83% of total revenues. Management is committed to expanding electric and gas service and infrastructure improvements in the company's regulated service territories. Ameren has exited the volatile unregulated merchant power business and has shown little interest in acquiring unregulated assets. The company operates several nuclear generators but remains heavily reliant on coal. Of the utility's generating capacity, the 2023 fuel mix is ​​comprised of approximately 44% coal, 12% nuclear, 29% natural gas/oil and 15% renewables. Management estimate

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