Bad atmosphere between Millonarios players and Gamero? The party that Falcao organized with his teammates

myIt is true that Millonarios has not had the expected campaigns after the title obtained against Atlético Nacional in the BetPlay League 1-2023A reflection of this has been the eliminations in the 2024 Copa Libertadores and not having reached the League finals in the last year. And after the signings for the second half of 2024, with the great Since the signing of Radamel Falcao García, there has been much criticism because the results are not as expected..

However, Reaching the halfway point of the BetPlay League 2-2024 round-robin phase, Alberto Gamero’s team has rebuilt its path and the victories bring the blue team from Bogotá closer to the goal of getting into the top 8 that will fight for the star in December. This, despite Falcao’s injuries, due to a fracture in his right hand and The tear in the calf of his right leg has made it very difficult for him to get into the rhythm.

But It has caused a great stir that, while within the team there is talk of working all for the same objective and pulling for the same sideSome sectors of the sports press point to a bad atmosphere and internal problems with the experienced and important players of the team. This adds to what has been said about the continuity of Gamero himself, who has been in the process for almost 5 years with League, Cup and Super League titles.

What is known about the bad atmosphere within Millonarios?

The journalist Felipe Sierra, who has recently specialized in the transfer market and has received much criticism for other information on non-sporting issuesHe appeared on a digital program called ‘Sin Boleta’ with a version based on rumors he has received. Although he did not give the origin, the source or the evidence, he did leave it in the air that there are problems in the ‘ambassador’ team.

This is what he said last Wednesday, September 18, 2024: “I heard a rumour. I was told that there are some players who do not want Gamero to continue for next year and that those players are no longer playing, it could make sense… One of the great players no longer wants Alberto Gamero”.

There are some players who do not want Gamero’s continuity for next year and those players are no longer playing, it could make sense

Journalist Felipe Sierra on the environment in Millonarios

This quickly led to reactions of all kinds, from the sectors that support Gamero and his permanence in office, but also from those who hope for a change soon to be leading Millonarios.

Falcao García’s son’s birthday party with the Millonarios players and their families

Well, coincidentally, on the same September 18th, while Sierra was taking out this “rumor” in the public light, on the social networks of the different members of the Millonarios squad, something contrary was seen. Since within the framework of Jedediah’s birthday, the fourth of the 5 children of the marriage between Falcao García and Lorelei TarónThe special guests were the ‘Tigre’s’ teammates and their families.

And in a more than festive atmosphere, with special games for parents and children to have fun, those speculations that have been raised in the Millonarios environment were called into question. A large inflatable, in which all those present shared, was the stage to show that the internal relationship is good..

Even several players who are not playing, such as Juan Carlos Pereira, Andrés Llinás, Santiago Giordana, Daniel Giraldo, among others, were present and were seen to be very united with the others.They were the ones who uploaded the most content to social media, showing the special afternoon they spent and that they also had fun like children.

And to put those rumors to rest, on the night of that same day Defender Sergio Mosquera, who started with criticism and little by little has raised the levelHe gave an interview for the program ‘El Alargue’ on Caracol Radio to highlight the good moment internally and what they experienced on the birthday of Falcao’s son.

“It’s a complex thing if some people are not happy, but we are protected, more than united. There you can see the unity we have with some of our colleagues playing on a bouncy castle, accompanying one of ‘Falca’s’ children. What more gratitude than that? That’s why we should feel more than calm because the family is very protected and harmonious.”the experienced central defender expressed in conversation with journalists.


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