Prada CEO Chiara Jaconis dies after statue falls in Naples

A harrowing video has captured the horrifying moment a statue fell from a building in Naples and hit a young Prada manager in the head, knocking her to the ground and killing her as her stunned boyfriend screamed for help.

Surveillance footage showed Chiara Jaconis, 30, walking through the heart of Naples on Sunday with her boyfriend, both with suitcases in tow on their way to the airport when the statue suddenly collapsed, Newsflash reported.

Within seconds, the statue hits Jaconis directly in the head, instantly knocking her to the ground and producing a loud metallic sound.

Chiara Jaconis, 30, died on Sunday when a statue fell from a building and hit her on the head. News flash
The Prada manager was hit in the head and killed by the statue. News flash

In the devastating footage, her horrified boyfriend, Livio Rousseau, 29, can be seen stopping in his tracks as he screams “Chiara.”

He then kneels beside her lifeless body while screaming, “Oh my God!” in Italian.

The video shows a panicked Rousseau rolling his girlfriend onto her back and screaming in Italian for help.

A distraught Rousseau continues to cry and scream for help, eventually raising his arm in the air in an apparent attempt to get the attention of people passing by further down the street.

At the end of the clip, another man can be seen joining Rousseau, placing a hand on his back as he looks at Jaconis’ lifeless body on the pavement.

Jaconis, originally from the northern city of Padua, was working on her dream job as a manager at luxury fashion house Prada, local media reported.

Surveillance footage captured Jaconis and her boyfriend heading to the airport before she was killed. News flash
Disturbing footage shows Jaconis’ boyfriend rushing to her side after she fell to the ground (above). News flash
Jaconis worked as a manager for Prada in Paris, France. News flash

According to his LinkedIn profile, he managed 15 stores in the France-Monaco-Belgium region, where he worked on new product launches and market research.

Local authorities are investigating the incident and have not ruled out homicide charges against those responsible for maintaining the statue.


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