US censorship a sign of decline, analyst tells RT — RT World News

BRICS countries should have their own social media, says Iranian professor Seyed Mohammed Marandi

The decision by US tech giant Meta to ban RT and other Russian news channels is a symptom of the waning power of the United States and its allies, Iranian professor Seyed Mohammed Marandi has suggested.

The Tehran University academic spoke to RT on Tuesday about the latest crackdown on Russian media by the US government and Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram.

“The major social media companies are controlled by the United States. They are, in effect, arms of the state,” Marandi said, explaining why he believes Meta's decision should be seen as a move by Washington.

The United States used to tolerate some dissenting opinions in the press, but increasingly silences or suppresses them altogether. “shadow ban” voices that he doesn't like, the professor added.

“As the West continues to decline, I think intolerance will only increase further.” He predicted.

RT reacts to Meta's deletion

BRICS countries should do with social media what they are doing with international trade, where they are introducing payment methods and other financial mechanisms independent of the US dollar, Marandi suggested.

“If the Washington regime wants to control X or Facebook, fine, but it should not be able to stop the Iranians from saying what they want to say, the Russians from speaking to the world, or the Chinese from speaking to their neighbors.” said.

Watch the full interview with Marandi below.

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